Ever heard of the term ‘man boobs’ before? Chances are, you have, but if you haven’t, it’s basically a play of words that refers to a relatively larger male chest size. Now, while some consider the term witty and harmless, a lot of men actually have negative experiences with having ‘man boobs’, particularly those cases of abnormally enlarged breasts or Gynecomastia as it is correctly called. The condition is characterized by physical discomfort but it also affects mental well-being, as one feels unattractive, unfit, odd, and not ‘masculine’ enough. Alonzo Cosmetics Surgery offers Gynecomastia Surgery in the Philippines as one of our leading services for our male clients. Throughout the years, we have operated on numerous clients to reduce and flatten enlarged breasts, helping them get the weight off their chest, literally and figuratively!

What is Gynecomastia?

What is it and what does it look like?

Gynecomastia is a condition in males characterized by overdeveloped or enlarged breasts as a result of excess fatty tissue. It can appear as a button-sized lump underneath the nipple and can occur either unilaterally (one breast) or bilaterally (both breasts). In severe cases, an intense increase in breast tissues causes sagging and stretching of the areola, which may or may not be tender to the touch.

Who gets it and how?

Gynecomastia can occur at any age, but it is usually developed at birth (newborn babies) or from adolescence to advanced adulthood. Common causes include obesity, hormonal imbalance, anti-androgen medications, excessive drinking, and substance use. With such a plethora of potential triggers, Gynecomastia affects a large number of the male population, with more than 60% worldwide experiencing the male breast disorder.

How are people with the condition affected?

Gynecomastia is commonly benign (non-cancerous) and physical symptoms range from tenderness, swelling, and nipple sensitivity, but are very rare. Negative impacts manifest more in terms of the effects on mental well-being. “More than the physical discomfort, the social life of the person afflicted with gynecomastia is also affected, as he can’t attend events or ‘outings’ that may require exposing his upper body. So far, all my patients who underwent the procedure are now leading happy and successful lives, both personal and professional.” Says Dr. Benjamin Alonzo.

Gynecomastia/Male Breast Reduction

Gynecomastia Surgery, also known as Male Breast Reduction Surgery, is the primary surgical solution for enlarged breasts. It removes excess tissue deposits in order to give the chest profile a more natural, proportionate, and better-looking contour. It solves physical discomfort and more importantly, alleviates emotional and psychological anxieties by boosting one’s self-confidence.

Candidates for Gynecomastia Surgery

Our surgeons, Dr. Benjamin Alonzo and Dr. Benz Alonzo are both trained in handling different cases of Gynecomastia Surgery in the Philippines and have assisted multiple clients through safe and successful procedures. We insist on consultations to determine their fit, physically and mentally, for the surgery, and receive the right guidance. If you are interested to get Gynecomastia Surgery, kindly take note that candidates must:

  • Not have a life-threatening disease or medical condition that could compromise healing
  • Reduce or avoid smoking, as much as possible, before and after surgery
  • Be physically healthy preferably with a normal/average weight

  • We highly encourage our clients to have realistic expectations when undergoing Gynecomastia Surgery in the Philippines. “You should also keep in mind that the result of the surgery can only improve your chest profile. After the procedure, enroll in an exercise and diet program, for long-term aesthetic results. Possibilities are endless, male breast reduction is the start,” Dr. Benjamin Alonzo advises.

    Surgical Techniques

    1. Liposuction Technique: Gynecomastia Surgery in the Philippines is performed mainly through liposuction, wherein a small and thin hollow tube called a cannula is inserted into the treatment area to remove excess fatty tissues from the body by vacuum suction. There are several ways to do liposuction (i.e. tumescent, laser-assisted, and ultrasound-assisted liposuction), and whichever will apply best to each client is discussed during consultation.

    2. Excision Technique: As cases among clients differ, some might also require glandular excision or the removal of glandular tissues. It is also helpful in reducing the areola or repositioning the nipple.

    Risks and Safety

    Our expert doctors are ready to answer any questions you may have about Gynecomastia Surgery in the Philippines, but your own assessment of the complications will ultimately matter in your choice to move forward with the procedure. We will only proceed with your written consent. The risks include:

  • Allergic reaction to anesthesia
  • Changes in skin sensation (rare)
  • Fluid accumulation
  • Infections
  • Poor wound healing
  • Scarring

  • We advise you not to worry too much about any of these risks as our doctors are fully capable of solving these issues should they arise.

    Process of Gynecomastia Surgery in the Philippines

    Gynecomastia surgery is done in the ACS clinic, on an outpatient basis. Our clinic is a professionally-managed facility with high-quality equipment and capable support staff. The procedure is performed by Dr. Benjamin Alonzo and Dr. Benz Alonzo, along with an expert anesthesiologist. If a hospital overnight stay is needed, you will be notified beforehand.


    Depending on the consultations, you may be advised to take a medical evaluation or lab testing. Certain medications may also be prescribed, so if you are under an independent prescription, please be sure to share it with our doctors. Taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs, or herbal supplements should be avoided. Finally, we prioritize your emotional and mental preparedness, so trust that you are in capable hands.

    The Surgical Process

    Before anything else, medications are administered - local anesthesia with sedation, or general anesthesia - to ensure your comfort during the Gynecomastia surgery. The procedure typically takes about 1-2 hours, depending on the technique(s) to be used - certain cases require both liposuction and excision. Bandages or dressings will be applied to the incisions and as well as a small tube under the skin to drain any excess fluids or blood.

    Recovery and Recuperation Process

    You will be allowed to go home after the male breast reduction surgery. Please bear in mind the information below:

  • You will experience tenderness, swelling, and some minor pain and discomfort for a few days, but these can be relieved by the medications prescribed by our doctors.
  • You will need to go back after 1-2 days to remove the drain and bandages, and 7-8 days days to remove the stitches. Follow-up appointments will be advised by our doctors if needed.
  • You will be advised to wear a compression garment or vest for 3 - 4 weeks until the marks, bruising, and swelling are gone. This would help avoid sagging and improve skin tightening and healing.
  • You may go back to work and other normal activities within 4 - 7 days (some patients only took 1-2 days).
  • Avoid strenuous activities like sports, exercise, and weight training for at least 4-6 weeks after the surgery. You may consult with our doctors should you plan to start any exercise program.

  • For a complete, healthy, and speedy recovery, ACS provides quality After Surgery Care for patients who undergo Gynecomastia Surgery in the Philippines.

    Results for Male Breast Reduction Surgery. Do they last?

    The final results of the surgery are relatively permanent. Recovery is not too long either and can be seen only after a month once the swelling goes down. Incision lines usually take longer to fade and sometimes scar, but they can blend into the natural contours of the breast. If not, the lines aren’t too glaring either. As the weeks go by, you will see a striking change in your chest so be ready to enjoy (and perhaps even showcase) your enhanced upper-body profile!

    Final Thoughts

    Opting for male breast reduction surgery to address gynecomastia is a significant decision that can greatly enhance self-esteem and overall quality of life. It's essential to be well-informed about the various aspects of the condition and the surgical process. To gain a deeper understanding, we recommend reading our blogs on what causes gynecomastiastages of gynecomastia, how to get rid of man boobs, and the cost of gynecomastia surgery in the Philippines.

    If you have any further questions or would like to schedule a consultation, please feel free to contact our clinic. Our dedicated team of professionals is here to provide you with the information and support you need to make an informed decision and achieve your desired results.