Do you often observe how you would sweat so much that the liquid seeps through your clothes or starts to drip off your hands? We can bet that you probably, if not certainly, feel annoyed or bothered, when these happen, but we can also guess that you, on one or more occasions, might have simply passed it off as the weather being too hot or a result of that short walk you made to get your phone in the kitchen. After all, sweating is just a normal reaction to our environment, right? Sure, that’s true. But, what if the AC was on the whole time? Or what if the kitchen is literally right in the next room? What if you were seated the whole time, and then suddenly, for no reason at all, you start to sweat excessively? This could suggest that you are experiencing Hyperhidrosis, a condition of abnormally excessive sweating with no apparent trigger or reason including heat and exercising. Sweating is a normal and essential body function, but too much of it, as many patients of Dr. Benjamin Alonzo, would say, has psychological implications. At Alonzo Cosmetic Surgery, Dr. Alonzo offers Hyperhidrosis Surgery in the Philippines to clients experiencing excessive sweating in the underarms with no known reason, also called Axillary Hyperhidrosis.

Defining and Explaining Hyperhidrosis

Sweating is a natural body phenomenon that is characterized by the release of salt-based liquid from the body’s sweat glands. These sweat glands are all over the body but are mostly concentrated on the armpits, face, palms, and soles. Also known as perspiration, sweat naturally occurs as a response to changes in our body temperature, the temperature of the environment (i.e. the sun being out), and our emotional state (i.e. when we are nervous or experiencing anxiety). In such cases, sweating is not only a response but also a way for the body to regulate its temperature, the nerves signaling our sweat glands to work. While clear with its benefits, sweating also has negative effects when it reaches excessive amounts, even when a person is simply doing nothing. In this condition of hyperhidrosis, certain sweat glands work overtime for no reason, resulting in excessive and unnecessary sweating.

Types of Hyperhidrosis

There are generally two types of hyperhidrosis:

  • Focal hyperhidrosis or primary hyperhidrosis is a chronic skin disorder that can be genetically passed down to families, usually beginning early in life, before age 25.
  • Generalized or secondary hyperhidrosis occurs more often on adults and is can result from heat and exercise, infections (tuberculosis), medical conditions like Parkinsons and diabetes, menopause, severe psychological stress and acute anxiety, and from certain medications including anti-depressants.
  • Why do clients get Hyperhidrosis Treatment?

    Clients who opt for Hyperhidrosis treatment point out several negative impacts of excessive sweating, ranging from minor physical inconveniences to severe psychological issues. Put simply, treating hyperhidrosis means these issues may stop as well. The impacts differ among people, but generally excessive sweating can cause a several problems:

  • It is highly inconvenient for daily activities and movements. Abnormal sweating can interfere with work and daily life activities such as difficulty in holding computer tools and papers, driving, etc. Accidents may even come from such instances.
  • It can cause discomfort, anxiety, embarrassment, insecurities, and social withdrawal. Excessive sweating has visual and aesthetic effects that can lead to psychological challenges. In cases where sweat soaks the clothes or markings appear, one may feel embarrassed to go out and appear unruly, unpresentable, or unsanitary.
  • It may also lead to certain body conditions including itching and inflammation, body odor, skin paleness or discoloration, as well as skin cracks and wrinkles, and maceration on the soles.

  • Without a doubt, these impacts cannot be brushed off so easily, no matter how much we convince ourselves that sweating is normal. In these cases, it is in fact, not.

    Treatments of Hyperhidrosis

    There are a number of ways in which Hyperhidrosis is treated:

  • The first step is usually to seek the expertise of dermatologists or skin specialists. Dermatologists would gauge the underlying cause of your hyperhidrosis and may recommend lifestyle changes, including your showering routine and the fabrics of the clothes you wear; over-the-counter or prescription antiperspirants; or oral medications and prescription cloth wipes.
  • If these remedies do not yield desired results, more specialized therapies such as botox injections are applied.
  • There are many cases in which the body still remains unresponsive, leading clients to opt for surgery. Essentially, hyperhidrosis surgery directly targets and removes the sweat glands which permanently stops the intensive sweating.
  • Candidates for Hyperhidrosis Surgery (Underarms)

    Hyperhidrosis surgery is usually a last resort to patients for when relatively easier treatments fail to succeed. During consultations, Dr. Alonzo carefully assesses the individual condition of the client to gauge their fit to the procedure, physically and mentally. To know if you are a qualified candidate for Hyperhidrosis surgery, below is some information to gauge your fit. Ideal candidates include patients who:

  • Experience physical and psychological challenges from excessive sweating in the underarms or Axillary Hyperhidrosis
  • Have tried medications and other primary treatments but have gotten no results
  • Are generally healthy, of average weight or not obese, and does not have any serious ailments
  • Are willing to refrain from smoking weeks before and after the surgery
  • Possess a positive outlook and realistic expectations from the Hyperhidrosis surgery
  • Risks and safety

    Much like most surgical and invasive procedures, Hyperhidrosis surgery has potential complications. Dr. Alonzo will discuss all of these during consultations and only when we get your consent will we move forward. This attests to your complete understanding and acceptance of possible risks. These include:

  • Infection and bleeding
  • Bruising and soreness
  • Loss of sensation in the underarms
  • Scarring
  • Compensatory sweating or an increase in sweating in other parts of the body (temporary)

  • All such complications are only possibilities. In case they occur, kindly notify us and Dr. Alonzo will take care of everything right away.

    Hyperhidrosis Surgery

    The operation is conducted as an outpatient procedure at the Alonzo Cosmetic Surgery clinic, a professionally-managed surgical facility with a clean and well-maintained operating room, top shape equipment and excellent staff. Dr. Benjamin Alonzo and Dr. Benz Alonzo, our expert surgeons will perform the procedure.


    To prepare for your surgery, Dr. Alonzo will be providing you with detailed instructions and requests to accomplish including:

  • Avoiding smoking a few weeks before the surgery
  • Taking certain medications or making adjustments in current ones
  • The Surgery

    Hyperhidrosis surgery in the underarms is performed under local anesthesia and typically takes about 40 minutes. The techniques used include excision, curettage, and liposuction, all directed to remove sweat glands and stop sweating permanently.

  • Excision involves cutting out the sweat glands
  • Curettage scrapes out the glands
  • Liposuction uses 2 mm - 4mm cannula to suck out the axillary glands

  • Whichever option fits your condition will be discussed by Dr. Alonzo prior to the surgery. In certain situations, combinations of these techniques are done to achieve desired results.

    Recovery and Recuperation

    Once the operation concludes, your recovery process begins. Below are a few thighs to expect and do in order to have a success recuperation from your Hyperhidrosis surgery:

  • You will be allowed to return home immediately after the surgery
  • You may feel some pain and discomfort in the underarms but this goes away after a few days.
  • Wear loose clothing for a while, especially if you still find discomfort in the incision area.
  • You can go back to regular physical activities including work in under a week but avoid intense physical pursuits such as weightlifting, jogging, and bicycle riding for a few weeks.
  • Results

    Aside from the relatively quick downtime, Hyperhidrosis Surgery also offers quick results. Most patients feel striking changes and experience immediate reduction in their sweating after the surgery. More so, as the sweat glands have been removed, the results are virtually permanent.

    Final Thoughts

    Deciding to undergo treatment for hyperhidrosis can significantly improve your quality of life by reducing excessive sweating and the discomfort it brings. It's important to be well-informed about the procedure, including its benefits, potential risks, and costs. For a detailed understanding of what to expect financially, we recommend reading our blog on the cost of hyperhidrosis treatment in the Philippines, tips for managing hyperhidrosis, and remedies for underarm sweat and odor.

    If you have any further questions or would like to schedule a consultation, please feel free to contact our clinic. Our experienced and dedicated team is here to provide you with the necessary information and support to help you make an informed decision and achieve your desired results.