A variety of diet and exercise regimens have continuously dominated media platforms to offer more options for losing weight and improving the overall physique. However, it is a common caveat that spot-reduction techniques do not guarantee results as certain body parts naturally retain fat. This could be frustrating for many people, men and women alike, who religiously go to the gym or calorie count and yet still see bulges in certain areas of the body. Liposuction has been one of the most sought-after cosmetic surgery procedures in the country for this very reason. Alonzo Cosmetic Surgery, a leading center in the beauty industry, offers top-quality Liposuction in the Philippines, guaranteeing a goodbye to stubborn fats and a hello to body aesthetic goals.

What is Liposuction?

Liposuction, also known as Suction-Assisted Lipectomy, is a safe and effective surgical technique that helps redefine the shape of the body by sucking and permanently removing unwanted fat deposits in the chin, neck, upper arms, chest, hips, tummy, waist, buttocks, thighs, knees, ankles, and calves. These areas are typical blind spots of diet and exercise, and since fat cells in the body are limited, removal through liposuction surgery guarantees striking changes that last. We must bear in mind, of course, that liposuction is not a weight-loss surgery nor a cure for obesity. Best results are attained in persons of average weight, as the procedure gets rid of those excess fats that healthy lifestyles just can’t.

Why is Liposuction in demand?

In recent years, liposuction in the Philippines has become popular as a body contour procedure. More and more people are now confident to go for their body goals and are informed about the benefits and advantages of ‘lipo’ as it is commonly called. Guarantees lasting results and quick recovery. It is only natural that diet and exercise won’t always meet expectations, but that doesn’t make it any less stressful. Liposuction surgery meets those demands by targeting pockets of fat and toning the area for complete recontouring. Even better, as a surgical procedure, liposuction promises quick recovery, no skin marks to stress over, and long-lasting results. It enhances the physique and boosts confidence. The physical change that liposuction surgery offers certainly enhances overall appearance and in turn, self-esteem. For some of us, it eases self-conscious thoughts about certain parts of the body; and for others, it’s simply a total mood and confidence boost when that pair of jeans or slacks they love just complement their figure better. Simple things but big wins.

Candidates for Liposuction. Is Liposuction right for you?

As popular as it is, liposuction is not for everyone. Our head surgeon, Dr. Benjamin Alonzo, ensures that every client undergoes thorough consultation first to determine their fit, physically and mentally, for the surgery, and receive the right guidance. If you are interested to get liposuction in the Philippines, kindly take note that candidates must:

  • Be of average weight or close to it with excess and stubborn pockets of fats
  • Have firm elastic skin and preferably toned muscles
  • Not possess any illness or medical conditions that could compromise recovery (i.e. heart disease, diabetes, or a weak immune system)

  • Please keep in mind that liposuction is not for weight loss and it is also not meant to eliminate cellulite. Having unrealistic expectations and seeking perfection can only heighten anxiety in these situations. Instead, we encourage bringing in a realistic and positive outlook.

    Surgical Techniques

    There are several techniques for performing liposuction in the Philippines, all of which are included in the expertise of our doctors. A common feature among all these is the use of a thin, hollow tube, called a cannula, inserted into the treatment area (where fat will be removed). The tube is connected to vacuum suction to pull out the loosened fat from the body.

  • Tumescent Liposuction. This is a common technique in which a sterile solution, infused with saline or salt water, is inserted to help suck out the fat and lessen pain and bleeding.
  • Laser-assisted liposuction. Also known as SmartLipo, this technique uses a laser fiber to heat up and liquefy the fat for easier suction.
  • Ultrasound-assisted liposuction. In performing UAL, the cannula vibrates with sound waves energy to liquify fat cells.
  • All these are discussed in greater detail during consultations including which technique will be used in specific cases.

    Risk and Safety

    Good communication and openness are practices highly valued at the ACS, especially in discussing possible risks and safety considerations of liposuction surgery. Our doctors, head surgeon Dr. Benjamin Alonzo and assistant surgeon Dr. Benz Alonzo, are ready to answer any questions you may have, with professionalism and total honesty. Still, cosmetic surgery is a personal choice, and as a client, you will be the ultimate judge if potential complications are acceptable.

    Risks in liposuction surgery include:

  • Allergic reaction to anesthesia
  • Changes in skin sensation
  • Fluid accumulation
  • Bleeding, bruising, and/or swelling
  • Infections
  • Poor wound healing

  • We will only proceed once we have your written consent. And should any of the above occur, they are usually minor and can easily be resolved by our expert doctors.

    The Process of Liposuction in the Philippines

    The liposuction surgery is done in the ACS clinic, a professionally-maintained surgical facility with top shape equipment and quality support staff. It is performed by Dr. Benjamin Alonzo and Dr. Benz Alonzo themselves, and they will be joined by an expert anesthesiologist. Rest assured your safety and peace of mind is our top priority.

    The Surgery

    You may be advised to first undergo a medical evaluation or lab test to ensure that no existing conditions could complicate the surgery. Certain medications may also be prescribed or if you have your own, adjustments will be recommended. Emotional and mental preparation is also our priority. Trust that you are in good hands and calm your mind.

    The Surgical Process

    Once inside the operating room, Dr. Benjamin Alonzo begins by marking the treatment area first. You will then get medications - local anesthesia, intravenous sedation, or general anesthesia - to ensure your comfort during the operation. Liposuction surgery is done through incisions where the cannula is inserted to suck out the fat cells. It lasts for around 2-3 hours, depending on the size and number of the treatment area(s) as well as the technique to be utilized. Dr. Alonzo is careful to make incisions small and inconspicuous to lessen bleeding and swelling.

    Recovery and Recuperation Process

    You will be allowed to go home after the procedure has been concluded, but several things must be kept in mind to ensure quick and seamless healing.

  • Swelling, bruising, and a feeling of discomfort in and around the treatment area are completely normal. The bruises and soreness fade after a few days while the swelling starts to dissipate after 2 weeks.
  • You will need to go back after 1-2 days to remove the drain and bandages, and 7 days to remove the stitches. Follow-up appointments will be advised by our doctors if needed.
  • Be sure to wear a compression garment for up to a month.
  • You may go back to work and other normal activities within 1 to 3 days.
  • Wait for a few weeks for any vigorous activities and consult with Dr. Alonzo should you plan to start any exercise program.

  • Complete your experience of liposuction in the Philippines with ACS’s top-notch After Surgery Care. Know more about it here.

    Liposuction Results. How long do they last?

    The end results of the liposuction surgery become prominent after several months so be sure to take the recovery stage religiously, and in no time, you’ll be seeing a firmer, slimmer, and toned body physique. Fat cells do not regenerate so once liposuction sucks it out, it is gone forever, and your newly contoured body becomes virtually permanent! Nevertheless, maintaining a healthy lifestyle moving forward is recommended.

    Liposuction Before and After:

    Say hello to the new you!