Fool-Proof Tips in Choosing the Right Cosmetic Surgeon

  Alonzo Cosmetic Surgery      Sat, 01 Jan 2022

Cosmetic surgeries have been one of the most popular forms of celebrating self-love nowadays. Whether it’s enhancing long-standing insecurity, or just wanting something new to revamp your physique - whatever your reason is, always remember: you do you. Now that you’re here, there will be hundreds of options. Maybe you already searched, “cosmetic surgeons in the Philippines” or “the best cosmetic surgeon near me” and spent hours scrolling to find the right choice. After all, following your decision to take one, you’ll definitely ask, “how can I choose the right cosmetic surgeon for me?” Fret not, this article will save you a lifetime of regrets, heartache, and even money! The following are fool-proof tips to help you choose the right cosmetic surgeon for you:

1. Make sure they are legit and board certified.

You don’t want to fall in the wrong hands, right? Probably the first thing you must never forget to confirm is if the surgeon has the right qualifications and the evidence to prove it. When we say evidence, we are talking about a license (as a physician) but also a board certification specifically for cosmetic surgery. Now, this is the nitty gritty part of this post but it is the most important so just hang in there. All cosmetic surgeons in the Philippines must have graduated from medical school, completed a residency/and or fellowship program in an institution with board certification in cosmetic surgery, and then obtained a post-residency fellowship program to formally train as a surgeon in the field. But it is in fact true that any licensed physician can perform cosmetic surgery in the Philippines, even without the rigorous post-graduate training. What certifying boards in the Philippines and abroad guarantee is a pool of well-vetted surgeons with the education, license, training, and experience. So the next time you do your research, look for these things. You can visit websites and find the pages dedicated to doctors and if these are truthful and professional sites, they should outline the qualifications of their surgeons. You can also discuss this with your potential cosmetic doctor once you’ve booked a consultation. Don’t be afraid to ask because a good cosmetic surgeon will understand your worries and knows how to professionally handle any question. Remember that this first step is crucial and consider this as the foundation of all your succeeding cosmetic-related decisions.

2. Check the surgeon’s experience in the specific procedures you consider.

Of course, you want to ensure that your surgeon will deliver your desired outcome. The best way to achieve this is by asking about their experience in the field. Always remember that each area of cosmetic surgery requires different and unique skills in each. You may want to ask these in one of your meetings with your potential doctor:

  • How did you practice this procedure that I want?
  • How exactly will this procedure play out? What can I expect?
  • How many years have you been doing this specific procedure?
  • How many patients have you performed with on this procedure? How were the results?

  • Asking these will help you gauge your surgeon’s experience and can help you do a U-turn should you not be satisfied with their answers or find other red flags in the process.

    3. Observe if they are showing personal interest and care.

    When consulting for the first time, observe how your cosmetic surgeon spends enough time getting to know your condition and desires. Communication will always be vital. Most skilled surgeons will require consultations to gauge your fit to the procedure, both mentally and physically. Observe if they are showing sincere interest in your case and are patient enough to answer all the questions you shoot them. You may also want to reflect on these gut-feeling questions:

  • Do I feel safe when I’m talking to this surgeon?
  • Do I trust this surgeon to recommend what’s right and safe for me?
  • Do I feel comfortable disclosing my full medical history to this surgeon?
  • Would I feel comfortable enough asking this surgeon all the questions I might have throughout the procedure?

  • If all these tick yes, then you’re definitely attuned to your surgeon and are on the right track. Most importantly, look for a surgeon that paints a clear picture of the procedure: all the risks and complications must be communicated, before and after surgery, and even your after-care must be explained thoroughly.

    4. Check the aesthetic sense of the surgeon.

    Beauty is subjective. Your friend may have suggested this surgeon, but what may be attractive for them may be the opposite for you. Be sure to take note of their aestheticism as well and how it matches with your aesthetic goals. In facial surgeries for instance, some cosmetic surgeons will conduct facial assessments and create individualized plans. This is a good indicator that a surgeon pays attention to your specific needs rather than blindly keeping up with trends. You can also check the before and after photos and compare the results. Do you like them? Some cosmetic surgery websites have dedicated pages for this or you can ask your surgeon if they have photos that they can share. You may also pay close attention to patients with the same body figures as you, how was the result? Do they appeal to you? Answers to these questions will definitely save you a bucket of tears!

    5. Vet the operating facility.

    Clean and safe environments should be on top of our lists when vetting the facility. Some procedures require to be performed in hospitals so that should be enough indication that the facility is maintained, but outpatient procedures are usually conducted in private facilities so be sure to check that your surgery will take place in a clinic that ensures the highest standards of safety, quality, and patient care. You can even ask your surgeon if you can visit the facility beforehand.

    That’s it! Now that you’re packed with the right information in choosing the right cosmetic surgeon, you can go ahead with your research. For a guaranteed check on all numbers above, you can begin with Alonzo Cosmetic Surgery and meet with our doctors, Dr. Benjamin Alonzo and Dr. Benz Alonzo. Both surgeons are licensed physicians and board certified cosmetic surgeons in the Philippines, plus they come with a clinic with years in the industry.


    Works Cited

    1. “Tips for Choosing a Cosmetic Surgeon | ABCS.” American Board of Cosmetic Surgery,

    2. “5 Essential Questions to Ask at Your Cosmetic Surgery Consult.” American Board of Cosmetic Surgery, 29 September 2014,