Smelly and Sweaty Underarms? Here’s How to Reclaim Your Confidence

  Alonzo Cosmetic Surgery      Mon, 01 Jul 2024

girl underarm

Let's face it: sweaty and smelly underarms can be a real drag on our confidence. They might leave us feeling self-conscious and limit our clothing choices. But rest assured, you're not alone in this! Through this blog, learn more about the causes of underarm sweat and odor and discover various solutions to regain control and feel comfortable in your own skin.

What Causes Sweating?

Sweating is a natural and vital bodily function. Our bodies use sweat, produced by eccrine glands throughout the skin, to regulate temperature. Sweat evaporates from the skin when we get hot from exercise or a warm environment, creating a cooling effect. Emotional responses like stress or anxiety can also trigger sweating. 

However, sweating can sometimes go beyond these typical situations. A condition known as hyperhidrosis can cause overactive sweat glands, leading to excessive sweating even at rest or in cool environments.

What Causes Our Underarms to Smell?

Sweat itself is odorless. But under our arms, we have another sweat gland apart from our eccrine glands, known as the apocrine gland. Unlike the eccrine glands that dot our entire body and help regulate temperature, apocrine glands become active during puberty and produce a thicker, milky sweat.

This apocrine sweat is the key player in underarm odor. When bacteria break down the components of apocrine sweat, they create byproducts with a distinct and often unpleasant smell.

Several factors can influence how strong this odor becomes. Diet plays a role, with spicy foods or strong-smelling vegetables like onions and garlic potentially affecting the sweat's composition. Stress levels and hormonal changes, like those experienced during puberty or menstruation, can also contribute to increased bacterial growth and a more pungent odor.

Remedies for Underarm Sweat and Odor

Fortunately, there are several ways to manage underarm sweat and keep odor at bay. Here's your toolkit for taking back control:Topical Treatments Topical treatments offer a convenient and discreet first line of defense. With various options over the counter, you can find the right fit to keep you fresh and confident. 

  • Antiperspirants: These products contain aluminum chloride, which temporarily plugs sweat gland ducts, reducing the amount of sweat reaching the skin's surface. Antiperspirants are very effective, but some may experience skin irritation. Additionally, the safety of aluminum-based antiperspirants is a topic of ongoing research. There are also aluminum-free alternatives available.
  • Deodorants: Unlike antiperspirants, deodorants don't block sweat glands. Instead, they mask odor with fragrance or contain ingredients that neutralize odor-causing bacteria. Deodorants are an excellent option for those who experience minimal sweating or prefer aluminum-free products.
  • Clinical-Strength Deodorants: For more severe cases, dermatologist-recommended or clinical-strength deodorants offer stronger formulations with a higher concentration of odor-neutralizing ingredients. Consulting a doctor or dermatologist is crucial before using these products.

Lifestyle Changes

Simple adjustments to your daily routine can make a big difference. You can start with:

  • Changing Your Wardrobe Preferences: Opt for breathable fabrics like cotton or linen, which allow for better ventilation and sweat absorption. Avoid tight-fitting clothing, which traps sweat and heat.
  • Improving Your Diet: Certain foods and beverages, such as spicy foods, caffeine, and alcohol, can trigger sweating. Identifying and limiting these triggers may help reduce underarm sweat.
  • Managing Your Stress Levels: Stress can be a significant contributor to sweating. Meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises can help manage stress and potentially reduce sweat production.

Medical Procedures

If lifestyle changes and topical treatments haven't brought you the desired results, you can explore various medical procedures specialists offer to achieve long-lasting relief from underarm hyperhidrosis.Alonzo Cosmetic Surgery offers a minimally invasive surgical treatment for hyperhidrosis that targets and disrupts the function of sweat glands in the underarms. This procedure boasts a high success rate, minimal downtime, and long-lasting results. Dr. Alonzo, a leader in his field, is highly experienced in this procedure and can discuss if it's the right choice for you during a personalized consultation.

Living with Confidence: It’s All About Finding the Right Solution

Underarm sweat and odor are common, but they shouldn't hold you back from feeling confident and comfortable in your own skin. By understanding the causes and exploring the various solutions available, you can find the best approach to your needs. Whether it's an over-the-counter product, a lifestyle change, or a consultation with a healthcare professional, there's a path to feeling fresh and confident.

If you're struggling with excessive sweating and considering hyperhidrosis treatment, schedule a consultation with Dr. Alonzo at Alonzo Cosmetic Surgery. He is a trusted leader in his field, and our team is dedicated to helping you explore all options and find a solution that empowers you to live confidently.

Remember, you are not alone. Take control of your underarm concerns and reclaim your confidence today!


We understand that underarm sweat and odor can be a source of worry. Here are some common questions to shed some light:

1. What are some signs of excessive underarm sweating (hyperhidrosis)?If you find yourself:

  • Soaking through shirts under normal circumstances
  • Having visible sweat, even in cool environments
  • Needing to change clothes due to sweat frequently
  • Experiencing social anxiety or embarrassment related to sweating

These could be signs of hyperhidrosis. Consulting a healthcare professional like Dr. Alonzo of Alonzo Cosmetic Surgery for diagnosis and discussing treatment options is recommended.

2. Are there any risks associated with antiperspirants?

Some antiperspirants may cause skin irritation, particularly for those with sensitive skin. There are also ongoing discussions about the safety of aluminum, a common ingredient in antiperspirants. Ultimately, the choice depends on your individual needs and preferences. Consider consulting a dermatologist for personalized recommendations.

3. How can I tell if I need to see a doctor about my underarm sweat?

If sweating significantly disrupts your daily activities, causes social anxiety, or is accompanied by other concerning symptoms, such as excessive sweating in unusual areas, consulting a doctor is crucial. At Alonzo Cosmetic Surgery, Dr. Alonzo can help determine the underlying cause and recommend the most suitable treatment plan for you through a consultation.

4. What is the recovery time like for hyperhidrosis surgery?

Alonzo Cosmetic Surgery's hyperhidrosis treatment is minimally invasive, offering a quick recovery time. Most patients can resume normal activities within a day or two with minimal discomfort. A consultation with Dr. Alonzo can provide a more detailed recovery timeline based on your case.