Living with Hyperhidrosis: Tips for Managing Sweating

  Alonzo Cosmetic Surgery      Thu, 11 Jul 2024

man sweaty underarm

Underarm sweating is a natural bodily function, but for some individuals, it can become excessive and disruptive to daily life. This condition, known as underarm hyperhidrosis, can cause embarrassment and hinder confidence. However, the good news is that there are ways to manage sweat and live comfortably.

Here are various strategies to minimize sweat, maximize comfort, and boost your confidence.

Garment Choices for Underarm Comfort

What you wear plays a significant role in sweat management. Here's how to choose clothes that keep you cool and dry:

  • Fabric Matters: Opt for breathable, sweat-wicking fabrics such as cotton, linen, and merino wool. These materials allow air circulation and draw moisture away from your skin, to keep you cooler and drier.
  • Fit for Function: Ditch tight-fitting shirts that trap heat and moisture. Looser-fitting garments allow for better airflow and prevent sweat build-up.
  • Consider Sweat-Proof Undershirts: For individuals with severe hyperhidrosis, sweat-proof undershirts can provide an extra layer of protection and prevent sweat from staining outer clothing.

Underarm Sweat Management Strategies

Be prepared to tackle sweat throughout the day with these handy tips:

  • Portable Sweat Wipes or Cloths: Carry these wipes in your bag for quick touch-ups and to remove sweat buildup whenever needed. 
  • Antiperspirant on the Go: Clinical-strength antiperspirant wipes or sprays specifically formulated for underarms offer convenient sweat protection. Immediately consult a doctor or dermatologist for prescription-strength options if over-the-counter products aren't sufficient.
  • Anti-Chafing Solutions: Constant sweat and friction can irritate the skin. Use anti-chafing products to help prevent discomfort and maintain underarm comfort.

Lifestyle Modifications for Reduced Sweating

Did you know stress can be a sweat trigger? Here are some lifestyle changes that can help manage sweat:

  • Stress Management Techniques: Practice relaxation techniques such as deep breathing exercises, meditation, or yoga to manage stress and potentially reduce sweating.
  • Dietary Awareness: Certain foods and drinks, such as spicy foods, caffeine, and alcohol, can trigger sweating. Be mindful of your diet and focus on maintaining a balanced and well-hydrated lifestyle.

Nighttime Routine for Underarm Confidence

Even your nighttime habits can affect your sweat management. Don’t believe us? Here’s why.

  • Pre-Sleep Shower: Make showering before bed a habit, especially after exercise or hot days. Use lukewarm water and gentle cleansers to remove sweat buildup without irritating your skin.
  • Thorough Drying: This is crucial. Use a dry towel or cloth to thoroughly dry your underarms to prevent bacterial growth and odor.

Open Communication and Support

Openly discussing underarm hyperhidrosis combats isolation, fosters understanding, and boosts confidence. It allows you to manage expectations with others and can even spark a supportive network. By talking openly, you also raise awareness and potentially empower others facing similar challenges.

  • Communicate with Loved Ones: Open communication with friends, family, and colleagues can help manage expectations and avoid social embarrassment. Who knows? They might even provide more support than you could’ve expected.
  • Support Groups: Online support groups connect you with others who understand the challenges of hyperhidrosis. Knowing that there are other people experiencing the same thing can help your mental health and boost your self-esteem.

Exploring Advanced Solutions

For some individuals, even with consistent management strategies, underarm hyperhidrosis can be disruptive. In such cases, minimally invasive procedures such as botox injections or hyperhidrosis surgery offered by qualified professionals such as Dr. Alonzo of Alonzo Cosmetic Surgery can be a long-term solution.

But of course, before resorting to surgery, it's important to schedule a consultation with a doctor or dermatologist to discuss all treatment options and determine the best course of action for your specific needs.


Underarm hyperhidrosis is manageable. By incorporating daily habits, lifestyle changes, and the tips mentioned above, you can significantly reduce sweat and regain confidence. Remember, consulting a doctor or dermatologist is crucial for personalized advice and potential treatment options. Don't let hyperhidrosis hold you back. Embrace the strategies in this post and live confidently!


The information provided in this blog post is for general knowledge only and does not substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult a doctor or dermatologist for diagnosis and treatment plans specific to your individual needs.


1. How can I tell if I have underarm hyperhidrosis?

Underarm sweating is normal, but hyperhidrosis is considered excessive and disrupts daily life. Here are some signs that you should look out for:

  • Sweating through clothing regardless of activity level or temperature.
  • Frequent sweat dripping from underarms.
  • Needing to change clothes multiple times a day due to sweat.
  • Difficulty holding objects due to sweaty palms (hyperhidrosis can also affect hands).

If you experience these symptoms, consult a doctor or dermatologist for diagnosis.

2. What are some additional tips for managing underarm sweat besides what's mentioned in the blog post?

  • Shaving: Regularly shaving underarms can help reduce sweat buildup and irritation.
  • Iontophoresis: This in-home medical device uses mild electrical currents to temporarily block sweat glands. However, it requires a doctor's prescription and may not be suitable for everyone.

3. Are there any risks associated with using strong antiperspirants?

Some strong antiperspirants contain aluminum chloride, which can cause skin irritation in some individuals. Patch testing is recommended before regular use. Consult a doctor if you experience persistent irritation.

4. When should I consider consulting a doctor about underarm sweat?

Consider consulting a doctor if:

  • Sweat disrupts your daily activities or social life.
  • Over-the-counter antiperspirants are ineffective.
  • You experience discomfort or irritation from sweat.

5. What are some treatment options for underarm hyperhidrosis, besides what's mentioned in the blog post?

  • Botox injections: Injections of botulinum toxin can temporarily block sweat glands.
  • MiraDry: This non-invasive procedure uses microwave energy to target and destroy sweat glands.
  • Surgery: In severe cases, surgical removal of sweat glands may be an option.

6. Are there permanent solutions for underarm hyperhidrosis?

Some treatments, such as miraDry and surgery, offer long-term solutions by destroying sweat glands. Consulting a doctor or dermatologist will help determine the most suitable option for you.

7. Where can I get a safe sweat management consultation in the Philippines?

We at Alonzo Cosmetics Surgery Clinic offer a safe and professional environment for all types of consultations. Schedule a consultation today to discuss your options and explore the best method for you with the best surgeons in the country.

We understand that managing underarm hyperhidrosis can be an ongoing journey. If you've tried the tips and are still seeking a long-term solution, renowned doctors Dr. Benjamin Alonzo and Dr. Benz Alonzo of Alonzo Cosmetic Surgery Clinic offer advanced treatment options to help you achieve lasting sweat control and confidence.

Visit our website to learn more about how we can help. Remember, you deserve to feel dry and confident–every day. See you soon!